Holy Ground
1 year, 12 issues, renews annually.
I hope you had a rich and meaningful Easter. I'm always so glad when Holy Ground arrives, because I know it will prompt me to slow down, sit, and reflect. A real blessing -- L.S.
Letters from the Holy Ground
Seeing God Where You Are
Lively essays of spiritual guidance tell the story of a woman’s journey into solitude. With an earthy spirituality grounded in everyday family life, the author explores what it means to live a devout and holy life in our time. An an engaging testimony to the compelling presence of God by a genuine Christian mystic

(Sheed & Ward 1-58051-1 paperback 296 pp $18.95)
To purchase Letters from the Holy Ground:
Letters from the Holy Ground
Comments from our readers.
These letters are signposts to the immediacy and accessibility of Holy Ground for any and all of us. Loretta Ross doesn’t tell us that a life of prayer is easy, but she does demonstrate its here-ness and now-ness: the Holy Ground is in our own backyards. This is a lively winsome, and intelligent witness to the fullness and richness of a contemplative life.
– Eugene H. Peterson.
Very few of us have spent years listening to God in the directness of a hermitage. Loretta Ross-Gotta shares with us some of the very human struggles and very God given graces that have emerged from her long years as a hermit. The broad range of her experiences alone, in nature, and counseling God-hungry people who come to her are full of insights and passionate caring for true life in God.
– Tilden Edwards.
True spirituality reunites all things into one world, one world that is good, trustworthy, and enchanted with endless meaning. This fine book leads us gracefully into just such a world. What a joy to find such wisdom, depth, and breadth coming from my own hometown. I can gratefully go home again – and you can too.
– Fr. Richard Rohr, O.F.M.
I had no idea of the treasure chest of insights, soul touchings, sermon illustrations, and laughter that were gifts from your book. Thank you for sharing the sacred in all its dimensions.
– Debbie Moon
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The Sanctuary Foundation For Prayer

Other Publications by Loretta Ross
Portions of Loretta’s book, Letters from the Holy Ground, have been excerpted in Alive Now, Upper Room, Daily Bread, Liturgical Press, and elsewhere. Her writing also appears in The Wapsipinicon Review, Spiritual Direction in Context, Morehouse; Watch for the Light, Plough Publishing. Disciplines –Daily Devotions, Upper Room Books, 2002,2013, and in Hope Against Darkness: The Transforming Vision of Saint Francis by Richard Rohr.
She has published a series of Liturgical Dramas for the Church Year, Presbyterian Survey, Ministry of Money, and Contemporary Drama Service. More publications include essays and poetry in Horizons, Hungry Hearts News, Presence – Journal of Spiritual Directors International, Women, Worship Works, More Than Meets the Eye by Thomas Greisen, Mary Jo Pedersen and Ronald Wasikowski, St. Marys Press, Theology Today, Christian Century, Reformed Liturgy and Music, Presence – Journal of Spiritual Directors International, various dates since 1983. An audio recording of original drama and poetry, Jesus Pictures, and Other Portraits. The Praying Life – a blog, since 1989.
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